Balcony's Paradise
Balcony's Paradise
Originally released on Bretford Records.
In March 2019 Lorenz O'tool from Chuckamuck (Berlin) and Jeremy Tayler (Australia) got together in Victoria. The setting: a lonely and idyllic house on the coast. The stage: a balcony looking towards Tasmania.
The two friends have lived in Berlin together, toured Europe with Chuckamuck, and share a love of the good life which they indulged in together and immortalised on 4 track.
Instruments are shared around. Hippies have called it: "Perfect symbiosis"; Snob: "All take and no give"; Surfers: "So natural"; The guy down the road: "Yeah mate!"
What's recorded is the atmosphere, no stinky little booths, just a deck with a small coherent set up. Don't be thrown off by the noise of birds, mates dropping in, conversations, land cruisers and mowers. Just let it in and surrender to the mood!
This is not a studio production, and no White Album. It's 35 minutes to lean back, escape reality and without urge for anything, be nothing.
Release Details
- Bretford Records