Brackwasser Knipp
Schieres Entsetzen
Originally released 2018 on Raddatz, Frontcore, Moshferatu, a.a.i.p
Exactly that's what I mean by d-r-e-c-k-i-g and pissed off, when I criticize elsewhere that there is no lack of technical skill, but of real pissed offness and that certain something that you can never compensate for with no matter how much musical finesse. BRACKWASSER KNIPP is still a solo project of someone who doesn't let his friends into the rehearsal room because otherwise they just touch everything, get dirty or drink the beer away in ignorance without contributing even a single useful sound. The drummer of 100000 TONNEN KRUPPSTAHL stirs here on bass, guitar, drums and vocals an unholy mash of noise, doom, darkness, sludge, black-colored metal and even more noiserock together, which has washed. Cheerful is the exact opposite, lighthearted you can have tomorrow, but today for it a lot of beating in the shaky jaw. Why you record such a monster in 2018, let the recordings lie around for two years to bring them out only now, I will never understand, on the other hand, this sound fits the current time like ass on bucket. At a cursory listen, you might think this is blunt thrashing, but quickly discover how complex it actually is, which is fired off here in some places, especially by the drums. Tons of heavy board. (Kalle Stille / OX-Fanzine)
01. Personenschade
02. Organgrube
03. In Müll
04. Labskaus Wrack
05. Von Westend Weiß Ich Nichts
06. Schieres Entsetzen
07. Tot